The representatives of magic they say that money can attract with the help of various accessories and jewelry. Do with your hands the amulet of luck and money to attract wealth is very simple. But you have to follow some rules, for he really helped the possessor to achieve the main goal.

These amulets in various
With the representatives of different destinations magic there are recipes of how to make a amulet good luck and money with their own hands. Some mages believe that slandered bags or irredeemable banknotes included in the portfolio are able to not only maintain, but also to increase well-being. Others believe that wealth will bring jewelry and other accessories. How to make an amulet for the money, and if you need to contact the magician? Of course, buy mascot there are problems. It is enough to order the guardian to a mage. But you have to spend money – this service is quite expensive. Also, the amulet on the money, charge wizard, it can be weaker than the one that will fill your energy future master of the house, of course, if you would see it with the ritual seriously and with faith in the heart.
But if it will help his new master? Better to make a amulet lucky charm and its own money, and during the production to recharge their energy and plan to increase the wealth.
The subtleties of the manufacture of amulets for money
This amulet, made of bracelets, rings, necklaces, medallions, hours. More precisely, the decorations are accessories that hide their charms as people who believe in the virtues of such. The main thing that locutus talisman his master had not left. It is also possible to speak of wealth and good fortune in precious stones. The strongest stones they believe magicians, carnelian, amethyst, turquoise, onyx.
Make a necessary rite, when in the night sky dates back to the young month, or at the time of the full moon. Some slanders are read at midnight. Choosing the rite, it is necessary to take into account the date of birth of the holder of the amulet, the age and zodiac sign. Also the moment of birth can affect the cause of the misfortune.
To say an amulet for the money, it is necessary first of all to attract the attention of the fire element. Is the focus on the object gives it its strength. Important scrolling rite, strictly all of the tips mages, and the instructions in the ritual. Otherwise, the guardian may be weak, and also lead its possessor.

Simple amulet to the neck
The method is more simple amulet can be made of clay, wood or plain cardboard. Of the material (it is possible to give preference to one of these) are cut two circles of equal size. Next you need to cover the gold paint and paste, jumping between them a rope or a solid wire. Before you say, made an amulet for the money, it should be on both sides, apply the appropriate designs - rune, attract wealth. During say magic words need to tie on a string or a string of multiple nodules, closing the words. Instead of cardboard amulet can be on the string to hang the letters or characters and talk about them.
Precious stones to collect funds for the signs of the zodiac
It has long been believed that gemstones possess magical powers. If you choose a decoration with the stone, you can become more fortunate and happy. With their help, knowing the ritual, you can make the amulet on the money with their own hands. And will be strong and powerful.
Every sign of the zodiac the jewel in the crown. Aries need to give preference to amethyst, Calves agate will bring good luck. Fools the Twins must choose between the pomegranate and beryl. Cancer will bring prosperity emerald. Ruby likes the fair the Lions. The virgin is recommended of amulets on the money with their hands to fabricate or jasper or cyanite. Calculating Weights, attend diamond. But the Scorpion is necessary to ask for the protection of opal. Sagittarians draw strength of turquoise and lapis lazuli. Talk about a lucky charm of your Aquarium is necessary with a sapphire stone. The fish will have a powerful amulet, stone of the moon.
Ritual with a precious stone and the money for the production of amulet
Some gems without rituals and misfortunes attract his master money and wealth. Others require additional enhancements. And for this, during the course of the rite, uses the normal coin.
Simple ritual takes place in the nights of the full moon and at midnight. The currency must be lowered into a container with water so that the light of the moon, falling into the water, reflected in it. Next to the ability to put the decoration with precious stone. Seeing the moon reflected in the water, it is necessary to ask for the celestial body to fill the coin and the stone with its energy, but also to reward the force of attraction. Forward should leave the coin and the stone beneath the moon, the light before the rising of the sun. After moving the mascot of the sewing personally velvet pouch with embroidered on it in yellow thread, the initial the host apotropaic. This amulet for money should always carry with him and not show it to anybody

Strong amulet of wax
Important before proceeding to the realization of any amulet, put in order the thoughts. During the ritual, and the creative process, you can not put in doubt the power of magic, otherwise it will not work.
To manufacture an amulet of wax, you must first choose a candle. That will be small and not very dear, the bizarre or the most unpretentious. Acquire need that he once had a crush. The ritual we recommend that you do in the early days of the growing months. With respect to the month younger, stronger will be the mascot.
The ritual takes place in 12 hours of night. Checked the spark plug it is necessary to install in a glass, and give fire. There are particular associations the secret words with this pronunciation is not necessary, it is sufficient only to the flame of a candle, and to convey their desires, to connect with it on an energetic level. While playing tongues of flame, must be whispered to their desires. Pro concerns also to tell of a candle. As they say, the magicians, and wax candles to absorb dreams and desires, remember the alarm and unwanted stories.
When the candle burns, it is necessary to wait until the wax cools and hardens, adopting a bizarre shape with volutes and floral motifs. To them and they will be kept slandered mysterious information of the owner of an amulet.
Action figures, that will remain after the ceremony, the need to carry always with him and not give anyone to touch with their hands. Better if the people in the eyes they will not see the amulet. Usually slandered wax placed in a locket or heal in a bag sewn of velvet or brocade, magnificent fabric golden.
Amulet from the four elements
To make a amulet good luck and money with their hands, a charge of energy of the four elements, you need of gold or purple ribbon. On it with the help of natural fibres need to embroider the symbols of the sun and moon, of wind and water so that in the end proved to be a piece and the fabric image. Embroider each symbol cannot be separated. Therefore, before you start creating the apotropaic worth thinking about how it will be at the end. Embroidered ribbon must be illuminated by the sun and a full moon, obdata wind and wet from a heavy rain. When all of the elements to share this with a amulet its energy, it is possible to use a brace.
The power of the amulet and the belief in magic

Without faith in the magic of an amulet for the money powerless. For him, it really became a powerful talisman, constantly needs to feed his energy. The thoughts materialize. To become the owner of a powerful talisman, it is necessary not only to learn the rules for the conduct of the rites, but also to perform all the steps correctly. Charging an amulet with the energy – difficult and difficult process. Need to focus and connect mentally with objects of a magical ritual. Not less important is to do it with your own hands.
Finally, for the amulet, has not lost its strength, you can also show it to your loved ones. It is a very personal object. And in any case it is not possible to give and give in the loan is also very close to the people.