For centuries, people turn to the help of the magic: some want to strengthen their health or regain the loved one, and the second – learn or change their fate, and still others – to attract luck. In the latter case one can speak of an object on luck, and then it will be to possess magical powers that make man happy.

If the following of a continuous succession of failures, is an opportunity to reflect on how to change things. Here two outputs: refer to the seer with magical abilities, or understand the main rites that you can perform by yourself, and their efficacy will be visible literally immediately.
Guidelines for performing rituals
It is important to remember that the final result not only depends on spoken words, or of a subject selected for conspiracy, but also by the observance of certain rules of a man who will be the ritual.
What you need to know for those who want to talk about, what about love, luck and happiness:
- Even the white magic is dangerous, then, before resorting to its aid, it is necessary to reflect on its implications. Instead of white, in life, on the contrary, may appear black stripes, and instead of love – lite, or the lack of a person next to them. However, all of this occurs most often when, during the ritual you will make mistakes, or people simply do not believe in the power of magic and the usa for reasons of public interest;
- If you cannot learn the words of a prayer, it is possible to write on a sheet of paper, but after reading immediately light them on fire with the flame of a church candle;
- During the ritual, the room needs to be conductive, the man of her life. The noise, the jokes, the laughter, and the presence of strangers are not allowed;
- It is not advisable to perform rituals during pregnancy: it is full of problems with the baby or the birth, and following a miss call to her son,
- If for any reason you do not find out from just reading the plot (for example, because of the fear), you can ask for help to another person, but then must necessarily be to thank, for conspiracy, he acted in the right direction;
- 3 days before the procedure, it is recommended to give up alcohol and junk food. In the diet should be only useful products: they have positive energy;
- A few days before the rite need to try to avoid controversies and scandals, and may reflect negatively on the energy field;
- Its intention to perform a ritual not to tell anyone, and after his performance. Everything must remain secret, otherwise the plot will not have any effect.
Considering the above-mentioned parts during the course of the rite, it is possible to make it absolutely safe and effective, and then he really attract luck and happiness.
How to speak what is on luck?

To always lucky in all cases, you need to find your favourite object and read 12 times this prayer to attract well-being, which surely will affect all areas of life.
"As the protein coat and the worn-not demolished, and you (to name something) I have the luck, the happiness has brought. Yes, it is!"
There is another option of the execution of the rite, for which the need of a simple brooch:
- Wait, when the Moon reaches the new moon phase;
- At midnight, take a pin and read about it:
"The moon is new is born, the force awakens, and directly from me direct. Luck my this the pins do not break, as well as the Moon, with the sky in the lord, not to be separate. In the wake luck, my follow me, I welcome the great make! Amen!"
- We recommend that you do a ritual every once in a full moon, and then the luck will surely not leave you never.
There is also a third way, which helps tighten the luck on his side:
- We take the lace, making him the tail;
- Need to talk, lace up, muttering used for these purposes for prayer:
"Soon the luck come to me look at. Let the luck in life to break forever with me you will return."
The easiest option to attract luck — simply tie the lace to the left leg, saying: "Lace is closed, good luck to you the lego I". Despite the lightness, it possesses no less magical power, which has been presented above conspiracies.
All articles with the conspiracy, it is advisable to bring with you: you will be performing the role of mascot and protect the wearer from diseases and problems.
Apartment for sale in the keychain
For this ritual need'agata, you need to hang on a key ring for the keys or mobile phone. What you need to do:
- Wash the stone under running water;
- When it comes midnight, light the candles, agate hold in your hand and repeat: "Help me, agatha, help me, power switch, and good luck";
- In addition to a key ring, a stone can be used as a pendant, the main thing – to carry with you always and often hold it in your hand, thinking of his success.
Ritual for luck
This ritual is universal: it promotes good fortune in career, love and other important for every person aspects. As you are running:
- From midnight to 3 hours, Saturday and Sunday, we become close to the mirror, hold in the hands of the church a candle;
- We read the prayer of the antichrist:
"Deliver me, Lord, from the seduction vile and devious of the antichrist, the future, and protect me from the nets of his intimate desert Your salvation. Grant me, Lord, for the strength and courage solid confession of Your holy name, yes I do fear for evil, but you do not deny You, Savior and Redeemer, my Saint of Your Church. But grant me, o Lord, day and night crying and the tears of the sins my and save beds, the Lord, in the hour of trial Your. Amen"
Turn off the candle, take a piece of cotton cloth. Put it all under the pillow during the night.
Rituals of a pin

Since ancient times, the pin is considered as the best talisman against the evil eye, and is used in many rituals. Speaking of his success can be as follows:
- Take a bowl, put 3 tablespoons of salt, rice and sugar, open the pin and attach the ascent of them;
- We leave the attributes for the entire night so, for them, no one has ever seen;
- In the morning we take the pin, and the contents of the pot to throw to the ground and bury.
If you are in need of protection from the trouble, the evil eye and spoilage, ideal and a ritual:
- Open the pin and say: "the Enemies turn, all the evil that is clear, I defend, give the evil eye and turn away. Amen";
- Let's set the amulet to the clothes that they wear, without taking away.
There is a third way to attract luck with the help of pins:
- When the Moon is in growth phase on Friday, we buy a pin and a candle white in color, and on Tuesday we perform the ritual;
- We light a candle and prikalivaet his flame bolt, a whisper of a plot to lure the guardian Angel:
"Oh, my god, an Angel came! The guardian, I defend. From the evil snares of the hide, clean the flame washed. Yes, it will be so. Amen!"
Moistened with toe spikes that hot wax, when it hardens – attach it on the clothes.
Conspiracies about the wealth and luck
The difficult financial situation, you can easily fix with the help of coins of 5 cents, and if you talk to her as follows:
- We put money in the left palm, and read from, designed specifically for her plot:
"The money for the money, bags wallets. As the sun light turns to gold, and a penny my shone, the money has brought the joy of donato. As said and done. Be my words are strong, and strong actions. In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy spirit. Amen."
- Bear with a coin in the course of the year, and then repeat the rite.
The money, it is advisable not to give in hand and put them after the ritual in a bag in the breast pocket a separate.
Gold ring to attract luck
This rite is considered to be one of the most effective, because gold has long been used as features of the magic power of the attribute. How to make so that on him, the ring has brought happiness:
- We take wool yarn, placing it on the table and putting in her a ring;
- We keep a candle in his right hand, and read: "Tit for blue-the blue of the sea he lived, his nest is there vila. The ring he has found and brought to me. I'm going to dress up, people kind be useful. All my most intimate secrets are open all of the doors will open, my whole being. Amen!";
- We try to wear a ring of conspiracy to it all the time, keeping it in a secret place.
Only faith in the power of magic and your luck will contribute to a fast-obtain results from rituals: in this case, the changes in life become evident, but for this you may need a bit of time.