Luck is something unpredictable. Someone has to cuddle for the whole life, and somebody does not turn on ever. Is there a way to draw her to his side? The question in the minds of people in the course of the millennia. In different cultures have their ways to become successful and to catch the luck by the tail.

Popular amulets to attract good luck.
Magic wax.
A very simple way. A lit candle, you need to put in a glass of water (the color and the size of the candle does not matter). While the fire is burning, watching the flames and thinking about your goals, dreams, desires. Wax can absorb all your thoughts. After the candle burns, and the wax hardens, it is necessary to collect, put in a bag or sew it to the inside of a plush. The amulet to keep with it, to not give into the wrong hands.
The hand of fortune.
This amulet came to us from the East. It seems like the open palm, decorated in the center with the image of an eye. Hand good luck protects the owner from negative influences of the external damage, the evil eye, gives luck, well-being and financial independence.
Print Veles. Is made in the form of the paw of the bear. Worn mainly by men. In our time, it can help to promote the professional growth, professional success, attract money.
Ostrava mosnov. A patent gives its owner the wisdom and luck. Considered to be wearing the amulet receives the patronage of his ancestors, who will assist you in every undertaking.
Yarylo-sun. This amulet for women. It will be the guard from the danger not only to her, but and future children. The amulet will bring success in business and the financial well-being.
First, it is necessary to examine the value of each rune. A rune can have a certain value, but if you find yourself in combination with another meaning may be different.Often in amulets and lucky charms used rune Wunjo.
Tibetan amulet great fortune.
A person who wears this talisman will attract a fortune that had touched. Appears the most likely to win the lottery or at the casino. Success circumstances will appear from anywhere – you just need to not miss the opportunity and take advantage of them.
Rabbit's foot with the indians.
This method is used everywhere, and in the West and in the East. Even if initially the rabbit's foot worn around the neck the indians. This amulet was a symbol of good luck and prosperity. Suitable for him, only the back left the burrow of the foot. It is not necessary to wear a paw on the neck – you can only keep in the house. Business men can carry it in your pocket of the jacket.
The elephant in the stable of luck.
Statuette of the elephant, according to the teachings of feng shui, can change the life of its owner in a better way. Just like this animal collects the trunk of water, and luck, will be attracted by the house, in which there is the figure of an elephant.
The elephant is an animal that is powerful worth on all fours. The life in a guest of figurines in the same way will have a solid foundation and constant luck.
The most popular amulet of the japanese, which bears the name of omamori. It is a bag which contains the messages of the. These amulets, you can see all their put in your wallet, hang it in the car, at the office, in the home. It brings good luck, happiness, wealth.
Coins, linked by a red thread. Perhaps, the most common way to attract wealth and success. Not only helps you attract money, but also to keep and increase them.
The God Hotei. The statue of this god to fulfill the desire to attract luck.
Ducks-mandarin. A symbol of good luck in one's personal life, fortune, great opportunities.
Fish-feodosiya. This symbol recalls the luck, the wealth, the prosperity.
The spiral of fortune.
Spiral are usually in gold topic. It is the symbol of continuous movement, it will attract in the life of the owner fortune and inexhaustible cash flow. She helps people to develop the qualities of leadership, be more attractive to the opposite sex, rapid professional growth, and independence.
Amulet of good fortune and luck for the zodiac sign.
When you choose an amulet lucky charm, you need to focus on your zodiac sign. Just the color and the material of which it is the custodian made, able to strengthen its magical properties.
The fire signs (aries, leo, sagittarius). Their own amulets must be bright red, yellow, orange. The shape is better to choose round or square charms.
The earth signs (taurus, virgo, capricorn). Earth signs are very practical. A material for their amulets must be suitable for the clay, wood, copper. For the color, it is better to take all the shades of brown and green.
Water signs (cancer, pisces, scorpio). The color representatives of the water element suitable for green, blue, silver charms, made of thin, fragile materials.
The air signs (gemini, libra, aquarius). Their mascot should look easy and with grace. For the color, the better to focus on shades of blue, blue, purple, beige.
Talismans, bringing luck to the school.
To attract success in school are used talismans using a variety of herbs.
The bag with the valerian. Helps you to become more diligent, careful, fit for school, quick restore strength.
The roots of calendula. Help to overcome the difficult moments that occur in the process of learning, relieve the excitement before a performance in public.
Bag with nettle and grass-the crybaby. Helps during exams. Eliminates fear, eliminates negative thoughts and moods.
Bag with thin flakes of st. john's wort. It gives courage, it facilitates the development of new material.
When is best to do with the creation of an amulet.
To get the maximum effect you need to create a amulet lucky charm on a certain day and also time:
- this should be the period of the growing Moon,
- the process should take place in total silence,
- during the day it does not matter,
- you need to put in order thoughts, to cast out from the head of all the negativity, to create an amulet, believing in his good fortune,
- you can't teach others about his talisman, show, dare to touch,
- possibly always try to wear the amulet with him,
- charm, designed to bring good luck, better to create the Wednesday and the Sunday.
The talismans, which you can do by yourself.
Bag for luck.
For bag need a red fabric – is considered to be a symbol of well-being, and the wire. And the fabric and the thread should be natural.
In the ready bag put objects, representing wealth and success: coins, rabbit's foot, a red fish, a ladybug, a horseshoe. You can put turquoise – she also is often used to attract good luck.
Fill a bag of herbs, which is also able to help you obtain the success: of orange peel, a rind of the pomegranate, hazelnuts, acorns, clover, cinnamon sticks, flowers of a violet or an apple tree.
Bag need to carry in your bag or in the bag.
Pendant coins.
To turn a coin into a mascot, you must have a night of the growing Moon put it in a container with water in such a way that the light of the moon illuminated her. Above a coin to utter a spell: "Like the water, the light of the full moon, and my life, fortune and wealth full".
The currency leave for a night in water, and in the morning you can make out of it a pendant and wear around the neck.
Nodules on happiness.
For the rite need five coated wires and the red one (all the wires have to be natural). A red thread tied colorless – five times in knotted lumps, muttering the following: "the First node in the exchange of ideas – wo port, the second – protection of the mountain, the third slam, inside – me, the richness is shining, the fourth for luck, and the fifth – who are you".
Keep an amulet in need of a secluded place, away from prying eyes.
The doll.
The doll of the soft-tissue can make any – it's already a case to the imagination of the owner. To provide stability, on the basis of putting a coin. The main point – he does not draw the face, the talisman there should be none.
Doll-the amulet, made with their own hands, will bring good luck – just need more to bring her with us.
Happy dollar.

The design of the law the dignity of a 1 dollar it is necessary to roll it in the shape of a triangle, and in this way bring the bag. You will attract money and success.
The talisman, silver things.
This metal, like silver, has the ability to attract luck and money. Any silver thing can be turned into a mascot, the bringer of success – you just need to talk to him.
For the rite chosen the night from Wednesday to Thursday, the place the selected object in the water, and ask that from now on, he has attracted in the life of happiness.
Embroidery and knitting.
If the owner has the skills of sewing and crochet, do ward it is not difficult. It is necessary to choose the slavic image, it brings good luck, or a rune, and embroidery or knit the fabric. The main thing – to use only natural materials. The filaments we recommend that you take the color red.
The talisman of the good luck of favorite things.
The thing that is connected with happy life events, can become a very good amulet, caught in a life of well-being. You just need to load on luck. For this, taking future mascot in hand, pronounce a conspiracy: "do you love Me, luck is attracted to you, help me."
After this zagovornye what you can bring in those moments, when you need help.
The stones.
Jasper. This natural stone has a powerful energy. He brings success in the life of the owner, it helps to find a common language with others, gives courage, helps avoid unpleasant situations.
Sapphire. Attracts money and luck. To increase the effect, it is worth to carry the stone, framed in gold, white or silver.
The cat's eye. In addition to bringing well-being, protection against the evil eye. The stone is suitable for the rich people, who are often jealous.
Ruby. Helps to achieve success in the most intractable business. Particularly suitable signs of the fire element: lion, aries, sagittarius.
Of the grass.
The grass, bring good luck and can protect you from trouble, bring in stitched, specially the bags, in dry form. The bag must be made of real matter. Fill can chamomile, aloe vera, bay leaves, from jade.
Acorn or walnut.
And acorn, and walnuts in many countries are the symbols of prosperity. Usually lead them to various meetings and interviews – which give their bearers of eloquence, the gift of persuasion, the ability to conduct business. Students are allowed to bring nuts in the exam.
Tooth of a crocodile.
Who brings a tooth of the crocodile, the luck will smile at all. Will be suitable also to the politicians.
In the art of feng shui bamboo – a symbol of happiness. It grows very quickly – and he will have with him as a talisman, just as quickly can make a career and achieve success in life.
The image of a scarab worn in ancient Egypt. It was considered a symbol of wealth. Today, this amulet brings good luck, helps to maintain already available in the spa.
Golden the garlic.
This is the chinese character. Fulfills the wishes and promises its owner a permanent, inexhaustible cash flows.
Sunflower help those who are building a career. He will give you the energy, develop creativity, helps those who want to gain popularity and recognition.
Conspiracies to amulets-amulets.
Speak amulet can be by yourself, using the video instructions, which is enough on the internet. And it can be attributed to an expert in magical rituals. Is enabled and this option is the most simple: ask the guardian of luck with your words.
Upload and activate it.
Activate the amulet can be at home. For this you need the help of the four elements – need to take a handful of earth, pour into a container of water, open the window to get air, and light a candle. In each element, an amulet for a little bit is the place to ask for help. Above the flame of a candle is enough to hold.
After these manipulations, the ward will be ready for use in full to a force.