Sorcerers and nymphs in ancient times attributed particular importance of spiritist entities, material objects. Just a charm, a mascot could attract not only the wealth and good fortune, but also the success and self-confidence that are so essential to the preservation of financial wealth. Among the popular cash charms are the runes, precious stones and animal figures. The talismans are relevant to this day, the important thing is to load the attributes necessary magical energy. Can obtain the granting or purchase in a store, however, the most effective are considered-monetary attributes, made with their hands.
How do the pendants and the money?
Coming into the city, you don't want to, and you come across people who complain about the lack or shortage of funds. Many people try to make ends meet, overwork, spending most of his time to the work, and gradually pushing the family in the second floor. It is not surprising that excessive fatigue can affect the psychological state of a person's health. In the man born of the inexplicable feeling of hatred towards the more successful and rich.
Luck is one of the most underestimated factors of the process of the race for wealth. If a person works hard, but the result does not satisfy him, it is necessary to resort to the help of the higher forces and latent energy. Exceptional mental capacity is often not sufficient, while with the luck is all on our shoulders. Luck attracts more bids, directing the person in the right place at the right time. How to attract luck?
For one thing, trying to earn, do not ignore the cash talismans. Amulets to attract money and good fortune can become an excellent alternative strange rites and help attract finance for the whole life. Often it is sufficient to load special attribute of its own energy and to always bring with you. The higher observed efficacy of amulets made with his own hands.
The dignity of amulets to attract money and luck
- Helps by the sudden loss of a source of income;
- Assign a possible theft of money;
- You can avoid wastage of money and losses.
Magical amulets to attract money and luck are elements of black magic. Working on converted the thoughts of man and his enhanced mental energy.
Cash talismans and lucky charms work in three ways:
- Configure thoughts of a person for the wellness;
- Are a kind of magnets that attract money and fortune;
- Saturate the place of residence with positive energy, which promotes financial stability in a person's life.

How to make amulets with his own hands?
It is believed that the strong a-luck and the money to be made with their own hands. The number of amulets on the wealth that is sold in specialized shops and stores, it affects every imagination. With proper and attentive care also purchase talismans can respond to the demands of the man on the rise in the number of finance, however, their effectiveness, there is no comparison with the operability improvised attributes.
The main methods of the manufacture of amulets for money and luck
- Amaze of clay or similar raw materials;
- To sew, bind, or embroider them as toys;
- Draw, using a special scroll and brush;
- Produce, using a combination of all the above mentioned methods.
It is worth keeping in mind that the production of mascot, it is possible to avoid artificial materials. Natural fabrics, leather and other raw materials contains living energy that will enhance the work of the amulet.
The runes are the writing of the ancient germans. Then they cut on special wooden tablets. This is the main reason of a characteristic appearance of an ancient alphabet, and the absence in it of all ' formosa I remembered a similar figure is extremely difficult to cut with the knife on a solid surface.
By rune comes from the powerful energy. The correct use of a combination of natural materials and ancient symbols can significantly improve the financial situation of a person.
The major runes, which they use during the manufacture of cash talismans:
- Fehu — rune, which attracts wealth and success, a symbol of vital energy;
- Yer, a symbol of the cost for all of the actions that have been committed by man in the past. This is true even for those efforts that have been made to improve their financial situation, however, has not led to the correct result;
- Dagaz — mark, which is responsible for the perspective developed business and promotes the development of business and win on the competition;
- Otal — rune, which helps you to invest money in the real estate sector, but also to attract influential protectors, which have a material support;
- Saul — symbol, which allows you to draw in life, luck and reach your goals. Doing the impossible is true, it gives a positive attitude and increases the tone;
- Wunjo — symbol, which allows you to get the best result with the minimum effort.
For the production of runes a person can use wood or clay. Both elements have approximately the same properties, i.e. easy conductivity, and then with their help, it is easier to influence the course of his destiny. Also of wood and clay, it is not difficult to manage also the webmaster of a beginner. The best types of trees for the production of runes are ash and oak. At the time they were sacred in the beliefs of the ancient scandinavians — Asatru.
Instructions for the production of runes on the money and fortune:
- Prepare material consumption — clay or wood;
- Blind or cut small discs. The shape does not play a special role, of the figures should not be perfectly the same, the important thing is that they are strong and do not break during the subsequent application of the runes;
- Select the rune. However, as you should look, you can read a little above. For the application of the mark on the clay, you can use markers or paint. Runes-wood diagnosti better to cut, and then paint;
- Renewal of each rune is considered to be the final step for the creation of the mascot. You need to exhale for each symbol, presenting during this process, the desired image material stability.

Cash tangle
On the basis of this talisman is the ancient magic tangle. Green wool yarn since ancient times was considered to be an active source of energy, material and tangle, in turn, symbolizes the concentration of this energy. The coin itself is natural synonymous with wealth.
The sequence of the production of cash tangle:
- Take a large coin, preferably, with the number five, and tightly wrap the green wool yarn;
- Wrap a coin until you get a small glomerulus;
- During the ligation coins thread say : "Come to me, the money is great and small" and imagine a picture of your well-being;
- - Attach the remaining piece of wire so that it could not deliver us;
- Hang cash ball above the entrance door of an apartment;
- To strengthen the action of the money mascot lubricate regularly the essential oil. Best suited oil of rosewood or walnut.

The figures of animals
Supporters teachings of the east have long been aware of the capacity of animals to attract money and luck. Processing or purchasing in a store action figures properly sized animal, it can greatly improve your financial situation.
A way of making figures of animals to pull money and luck is not particularly important. Amulets you can sew or to impress clay, but if you nothing you do not know how, do not worry. In most cases, people acquire a beautiful charm in the shops, or specialized shops.
Animals, which attract material well-being:
- Black cat in Ancient Rome it was a symbol of good luck and freedom, and in Ancient Egypt cats were worshipped as gods;
- The dragon is considered to be the most significant a symbol of strength, fortune and power. People who are seeking to improve the career, it is enough to buy a figurine, decoration, photo, or any other attribute, with the image of a powerful dragon;
- The elephant is so gentle creation, that if you put action figures on the window sill, necessarily attract it to your home good luck and wealth. Elephants are particularly favorable for the operation of several companies and businessmen;
- The horse that moves forward only, it brings a pleasant change and good fortune. To reinforce the action of the figures, it is possible to attach to the bag with the coins, or any other attribute that reminds of the wealth;
- Many people are familiar with the popular in feng shui, figures of frogs, holding in the mouth a coin. It is important to choose the right for the frog place. Better than a living room where accumulates the correct for the richness of energy;
- The bull is the symbol of diligence, hard work, and also relaxing the desire for success and wealth. It is particularly suitable as a figurine of the people, whose work is linked to the earth or technique;
- As a powerful creation, will satisfy every desire, the famous writer not only chose a red fish. It is Important to choose the right place for its habitat, which is the south-eastern part of the house. The aquarium also should not be too large or too small — a middle way is the ideal solution;
- Peacock and the feathers of this powerful birds play a special role of cash magnets. The rooster is also considered a symbol of happiness and material well-being.
The images of animals, that attract money and luck, and to promote financial stability.

Precious stones
It is known that the precious stones are popular elements of jewelry, but not everyone considers them as amulets, which bring luck and money. One of the most best mascot in the material well-being is turquoise.
The plan of manufacture of the mascot of turquoise:
- Wait for the launch phase of the new moon and sew the hands, a bag of blue fabric;
- Put in a home made case turquoise;
- With the beginning of the new moon, every day, put in a bag of coins and banknotes. The nominal value of each subsequent unit of currency must be not less than the value of the last subfolder;
- Not just a bag full to the brim, it is necessary to speak directly into it the following words: "the referee is thousands!";
- Remove from the bag all the money, express only a pebble turquoise. Count the money three times;
- Tie the bag with a turquoise blue ribbon and place it in the place where usually you keep the money.
Periodically repeat this ritual, in particular if you feel the lack of finances.

Bag with the herbs
Bag with the herbs to do is very simple, but that does not diminish its importance. More often cash bags are made using medieval methods of european sorcerers.
The plan to manufacture an amulet of luck and money with their hands:
- Prepare the cinnamon stick, a handful of pine needles and dried, ginger pieces, and a couple of dried leaves of eucalyptus;
- Chop all the above items in a mortar;
- The result is a powder to put into a little canvas bag, after which the bandage wire color green;
- Housing, with a base of herbs must be kept at the place of work, in the office or in any other place connected with the process of getting the money.
It is believed that such an action mascot lasts about a year. After the ritual you must repeat.
Horde amulet
Horde amulets are still in use from the times of the Golden Horde. Then it was thought that the owner of the mascot will never know need, and will always be full of money. These days horde amulet is considered to be very effective talisman, attracting good luck and financial independence. The attribute spread is not possible. Usually they carry it in your pocket or in your bag.
The plan of manufacture the Horde amulet:
- Prepare any coin, lace, or thin strong wire, and three wax candles. Better to take the coin with which it is associated a certain history;
- Wait until the phase of the growing moon. The rite takes place in the environment;
- Arrange the candles on the table the triangle and lights up their matches. The lighter is not possible to use;
- See the coin seven times the following plot:
Adding to the strong hex to the words of my polychala, my word, obedient, in my bag clinking will be pozvanit, others will call, in my bag the other clean. I will be positit, I have the opportunity. Were I to live in riches, but in the joy, yes, in abundance, golden rain, wash, yes money, yes, complete with bag for long life, light be blessed. It will be so. So there are.
- During the reading of a conspiracy to imagine your desired goal, and not only the money, but close to them, then, as you have to remove and dispose of, by obtaining positive emotions.
After the conspiracy coins to tighten up his cross it is the cord or a strong thread, reading now the words special spell.
The text of the conspiracy, the horde amulet:
Tied, money tie, money in the bag, in his life, in its valley, drawn to me.
In no case do not cut the ends of the wires, turn on their flame of candles. Zagovornye the currency of the leave on the inside of the triangle of candles for the night. The fire extinguishing is not required. In the morning take ready mascot and put it in the bag. In none of this do not speak and do not let the amulet in hand, as well as someone else touch weaken monetary magic.

Coin imperial
Imperial amulet helps you find wealth, to achieve success in your career, and fosters the early return of the debt. The currency you can carry it in your pocket, purse, or on the neck. On the talisman, not worth to tell anyone, as well as give in hand. Someone else touch significantly suppresses the magic of the spell caster attribute.
The plan of manufacture in the imperial mascot on the fortune and wealth:
- Wait for the full moon, and to prepare the wax of a candle, a coin of any value, and even a piece of real cloth of red color;
- Light a candle of wax matches, sit down at a table and take in hand the coin is in. Imagine everything you want, wealth, success in the workplace, of luck in all your efforts, and many other things;
- Then put a coin on a piece of red material and leave on the window sill in the moonlight;
- Before you go to sleep wrap a coin in a tissue and put it under the pillow;
- In the morning I pull out the amulet and always carry in your purse or pocket.
What elements attract luck and money?
Surely every person in the apartment will pair three of a kind objects that attract money and luck, and not imagine it. For the best effect of these objects must be placed in the most optimal way for the launch of the spells impact on the public.
The things, which attract the finance to the house:
- The mat in front of the door, not missing the negative energy, which leaves attract wealth. For your money are always safe and fast, they do yield other, returning home with a certain amount of money (for example, after receiving the salary), do not dry the shoes on the mat. In this way you will be able to maintain the energy of money, which led to the house. If you go back empty-handed, on the contrary, make sure to clean your shoes on the mat. Then the energy of the vacuum and lack of money will not annoy;
- The broom is also considered a powerful case mascot. Buy the most common straw broom and hang up the whip in a hallway or in the kitchen. It is believed that this attribute sweeps of the house all the negative energy and frees space for the flow of materials;
- The mirror can take the money home, and frighten them. It is important to follow the main rule — in a mirror should always reflect the cleanliness and order. If the mirror is to see the dirt and chaos, its energy will be negative influence on the financial situation of the home and family;
- If your table is round or oval, you are very lucky. The round table is a symbol of prosperity and abundance of money. So a piece of furniture helps to the monetary circulation of energy in your home. Much as the man has not spent money will always come back in multiplied form.